Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
As a leader, it's easy to fall into the traps of trying to do everything yourself - often our of fear that anyone else might not do the job the way that you'd want. Ultimately, this kind of mentality stifles your growth and limits the scope of what's possible for your parish or business!
Nicole Gilbert, CEO and founder of Westbrook Tutoring, shares wisdom that every leader needs to hear about growth in your organization.
Westbrook Tutoring is exploding in growth, but Nicole is not naïve to the challenges that come with that level of growth. She shares openly about the challenges they've faced, and how they've responded. Her transparency will not only inspire you to continue growing and evolving, but give you practical advice on how to face challenges and leverage opportunities as they come.
The 90th episode of the Ron Huntley Leadership Podcast, “Christian Business Leader's Reflection on Growth", is available to listen to now on Spotify & Apple Podcasts.
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
How do you hear God's voice? Answering that question can be of the biggest frustrations, for both individuals and as parish leadership teams.
Cath Livesey is the author of a book entitled Holy Disruption. In this episode, we're going to talk about growing your parish's prophetic calling, & the importance of the prophetic charism in churches.
The book of Ephesians reminds us that Jesus gave us apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds & teachers for the building of the kingdom of God. Because the prophetic charism is often misunderstood, it remains unaccessible for many leaders.
It's important to understand that all these roles are rooted in one another and work together to form a cohesive whole! Prayerful discernment is key in discerning how best to grow your prophetic calling at your parish or other ministry setting.
Join Ron & Cath Livesey as we explore how to grow your prophetic calling, and why it matters so much for building up God's kingdom on earth.
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
The next generation is hungry for something authentic. They're passionate, driven, and highly motivated to act on the things they believe in. In this episode, I chat with Tim Gonsalves, the Canadian National Director For Youth Alpha, about the incredible work being done in Canada to develop leadership among young Catholics, and how each of us can get involved.
As Catholic leaders, we must equip our future leaders and missionaries to confidently spread the Gospel message. This is vital, not only for the next generation of leaders but also the current generation of teachers and leaders. If we are going to lead the next generation to Jesus and mobilize them for mission, we need to make the effort to understand and connect on their level.
Listen in to discover what motivates, mobilizes and inspires young people to have a passion for mission & living a life of greater impact & purpose.
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Paula Umana is a former number-one-ranked tennis player from Costa Rica! Now living in the USA, she's a Catholic speaker & author of the book '40 Gifts of Hope'. Paula had to confront a serious illness that left her paralyzed and in pain. She shares her lessons that came from suffering and wrestling with her faith. This episode will give you tools to deal with your own suffering when you are faced with it.
A businesswoman, a constantly-reinventing person living with a disability, and a tennis coach, PLUS a mother to four girls and one boy; she is redefining what it means to be paralyzed managing her house, her business, and her children--Paula has had to manage the suffering and trials due to her paralysis, which inspired her to write a book about suffering management for the sick. The book is filled with faith and touching stories of the ill who found a way out of their darkness. Being completely paralyzed, she learned to live a life offering her suffering to the Lord for others!
Today, Paula is a motivational speaker using her story and all of her experience to inspire: faith-based groups, women, people with disabilities, athletes, people enduring suffering, and corporations through her conferences that will make you laugh, cry and effect changes in your life.
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
What are you like? Why do you think the way that you do? What drives you? What annoys, frustrates or settles you? How well do you know yourself, your mind, and why you make the decisions that you make every day? For any leader, it's foundational to dig deep into yourself to discovery who you truly are, and to lead from your most authentic self.
Maybe you've taken a StrengthsFinder assessment, or perhaps a handful of others...but where do you go from there?
In this episode, Lisa Mladinich - a Gallup-Certified Professional Strengths Coach - shares some practical ways that you can use your strengths to find purpose in life, authentic happiness, and to lead better than ever before.
Lisa is passion about helping people grow exponentially in their God-given talents!
Her work relies on three foundational elements:
The beliefs and values of our Catholic faith
The CliftonStrengths assessment’s incredibly-nuanced talent and personality feedback
The deep and transformational work of life coaching
Connect with Lisa!
Website: https://wonderfullymade139.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoachApproach59
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.mladinich
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonderfullymade.139/
Connect With Ron!
Website: https://ronhuntley.com
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/ron-huntley-3ab77b142/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_huntley/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ronhuntleyleadership/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/RonHuntleyLeadership/
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Are you thinking about taking a "gap year", or even quitting college to pursue a dream? A gap year can be a great way for young people to explore and discover their purpose in life.
Today's guest, Dr. Joshua Miller, co-author of 'Unrepeatable', has partnered with the Franciscan University of Steubenville to give high school graduates the opportunity to reflect upon their life's purpose while serving others.
This partnership has created a unique missionary experience designed to form young people for impact, providing gap year students with a rich Catholic-teaching experience, combined with practical, hands-on serving opportunities to help them explore their personal vocation!
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Building Your Leadership Team | Ep. 84 | Ron Huntley Leadership Podcast
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
One thing the best church leaders all have in common is that they develop & invest in their leadership teams. They don't do it in an artificial or manipulative way. They do it because the mission, vision and values of the organization are more important to them than their ego or pride!
Building a team isn't just calling people up to the front of the room and putting a name-tag on them. It's not seating them on your leadership team, expecting to have conversations with them now and then, and showing up at strategic planning meetings every once in awhile. It's much, much more than that!
Developing your parish leadership team is about building relationships, investing into the members, and developing transparency & trust - all centred around MISSION! People need to understand what you see in them, and why you believe they're uniquely gifted to fulfil this ministry role.
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Your Values, Your Vision - Ron Huntley Leadership Podcast #83
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
In this episode, Christian & Ron Huntley talk about the topic of Values & Vision, and lay out a road map to equip you to create buy-in from your team and volunteers as you lead your ministry forward.
Your vision is more than simply the big dream that you have for your organization. A healthy vision comes from understanding what you value, and why you value it. We discuss why it's necessary to identify the values that we should be communicating in our organizations, and to understand how those are vital to effectively building our mission and vision.
This is the second podcast in our latest series, where Ron takes a turn being the "guest" on his own podcast. If you found value in this content & are looking for further support or coaching, I'd love to discuss how we can help you in developing a clear vision and mission for your church/organization. Send us a message at ronhuntley.com & we'll be in touch!
Monday Jul 18, 2022
The Encounter Story - Ron Huntley Leadership Podcast #82
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Your encounter story is an incredibly important part of your leadership. If there's not a place or time where you know for certain that you had an encounter with Jesus that left you closer to Him than ever before, your leadership will suffer for it. If we lose sight of these encounter stories, it's easy to start functioning as "professional Christians", going through the motions, with our effectiveness significantly stunted because of it.
In this episode, Ron shares his own encounter story, and highlights the importance for every leader to reflect on this moment in their own life, and allow their leadership to flow from that place!
This is the first in a new style of episode, where Ron takes a turn getting interviewed, instead of simply facilitating the conversation! He's joined by Christian Huntley, part of the Ron Huntley Leadership Coaching team.
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Churches & dioceses around the world are moving into a time of transformation & renewal. Knowing it's time for change, the sense of calling & mission is awakening a desire to see lives transformed by Jesus Christ!
In a post-Covid, post-faith era, where should the church be headed? How can we continue to be a source of light in an increasingly dark world? This episode will leave you encouraged & empowered to go forth & plant the seed of the Gospel in your community.